Love, Joy, Peace...
Minister Lady Cheryl L. Northam was born on May 12, 1967 in Petersburg, VA. She is the daughter of the “proud” Deacon Clarence & Deacon Ada Williams of Sutherland, VA

Minister Northam is married to her gift from God of 25 years - Rev. Dr.  Kevin M. Northam of Onancock, VA- and they are the parents of their 23-year-old daughter, Christian known to many as “Krissi or Babygirl.”
Minister Northam, a 1985 graduate of Dinwiddie County High School, continued her education at Virginia State University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting in 1990. 

Prior to Pastor Northam retiring with 20 years of service from the United States Army, Minister Northam traveled to Honolulu, HI serving in various ministries including the youth ministry, gospel praise team & choir serving as choir directress, community women’s fellowship known as Women of Faith &Virtue and selected to be a part of an anointed gospel group of seven members known as the Chosen Few for three years. After the family relocated to Ft. Campbell, KY, residing in Clarksville, TN, she served in various ministries to include gospel choir, youth Sunday School teacher and Ministers Wives Association for two years. Later, relocating to Northern VA, she served in the adult choir, directed the youth choir, substitute youth Sunday School teacher and on the finance auditing committee). 

Becoming the First Lady of Olive Branch Baptist Church, Dinwiddie, VA in 2003, Lady Cheryl serves as a member of the Mass Choir, the Fellowship Choir and the OBBC Sister Sharing Ministry. She has since become the directress of the Combined Choir of OBBC. In 2012, she would profess and acknowledge her call in the ministry as minister/proclaimer.  Minister Northam was licensed as a proclaimer of the Gospel on October 6, 2013.  Shortly thereafter, she attended Tabernacle Divinity School, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Religion in December 2013, graduating top of the class. Furthering her education at Tabernacle Divinity School, she received the degree of Master of Christian Education in December 2014, graduating top of the class. Minister Northam now serves as Chairperson of the Christian Education Ministry of OBBC and as the Teen Evening Bible Study teacher. Beginning January 2020, Minister Northam will also teach Christian Education classes at Tabernacle Divinity School, Blackstone, VA.

Although her favorite scripture is Psalm 121:1-2, Minister Northam stands on this quote: “If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a word or song, if I can show somebody that he/she is traveling wrong, then my living will not be in vain.